Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Correct Me If I am wrong

Quick question from a regular  40 hours a week guy.
What do you think about Canadian Citizens going overseas for treatments that have not yet been approved by Canada Health and then come back to Canada to fix problems that went wrong overseas.
I wait upon you to enlighten and make me wise but, from where I stand now, are not these side effects/complications the reason why, Canada Health did not approve these procedures in the first place.
I could also go abroad and avail myself of all the different types of therapies. counselling and any other types of help I "think" I need to address all my health/mind issues
I am not demeaning anyone or any cause,
I am just tired off watching the brave hearts who have the money go around the world for desperate treatments and when things go wrong, come back here to Canada and claim their rights as Canadian Citizens to fix the complications that, arose from the procedure that was not approved by Our Government in the first place.
I just need to go to bed at night, knowing that I am not being taken for  ride by people who know to play the system ( face it every day !!!!!!and am just getting tired of the same.
Only Canadian Citizens need reply.